
How to make business profit 05 May 2020

Cash is king#2-Get profit performance but poor liquidity Easy to understand of cash flow projection model with how to survival. Do it by y


“Cash is king#2" - Get profit performance but poor liquidity” Easy to understand of cash flow projection model with how to survival.  Do it by yourself

My clip No.2 that help Thai’s entrepreneur as 3 parts as
1.The relative transactions of Profit & Loss and Balance sheet statement with cash flow project model statement
2.Assumption and scenarios for run projection 
3.Mini workshop of negative net cash flow model stress testing with how to solve its cash shortage?

Liquidity survival guideline from my net cash flow model, that can run sensitivity by each item below 
1.Account payable negotiation for discount or extent payment.
2.Negotiate moratorium with banks
3.Cost or expense cutting down
4.Downsizing business by sale impairment fixed assets or slow movement inventory
5.Finally Lay-off staffs or without payment  

Do it by yourself from my cash flow model guideline and find the best way to survival. However, you must monitor by half or monthly of each factor impact to your company liquidity.

Next No.3 Cash flow model workshop preparing on excel program.



Mr.surachai.e CPA/CFO
hashtagcfotalkbiz Tel 66818396592

